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Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Tume ya Kurekebisha Sheria Tanzania

Majukumu yetu

Section 4 of the Law Reform Commission Act, Cap. 171, among others, mandate the Commission to:

  1. Take and keep under review laws of the United Republic with a view to its systematic development and reform.
  2. Review any law or branch oflaw and propose measures necessary for:

a)bringing that law or branch of the law into accord with

current circumstances of Tanzania;

b)eliminating anomalies, repealing obsolete or unnecessary laws and reducing the number of separate enactments; and

c)proper codification and simplification of that law or branch of law.

  1. Consider and advise on the adoption of new or more effective methods for the administration of law and dispensation of justice.
  2. Consolidate and make revision of laws.
  3. Prepare draft Bills pursuant to programmes approved by the Attorney-General.
  4. Provide advice and assistance to MDAs or any institution undertaking examination of law and makes recommendations for reform.
  5. Establish and maintain a system of collaboration, consultation and cooperation with anybody within or outside the country engaged in law reform.
  6. Convene and facilitate seminars, workshops for dissemination of information to the matter related to the law reform