The Law Reform Commission of Tanzania was established in 1980 by the Law Reform Commission of Tanzania Act, Cap. 171 that came into force on 15th August, 1983, following which the Commission became operational on 21 st October, 1983. The Commission is composed of full-time and part-time members all of whom are appointed by the President. For the past thirty years, Tanzania has seen gradual transformation in the social, political and economic fields that have brought with it new challenges within the legal sector. As a result of the transformation, and for efficient and effective performance of its functions, the Commission established and maintained a system of collaboration, consultation and co-operation with individual and body of persons within and outside the United Republic of Tanzania which engage in law reform. Down the lines, the Commission continued to share information by strengthening working relations with stakeholders in the legal sector. At the international level, the Commission is a member to and maintains active role by participating in meetings of the Commonwealth Association of Law Reform Agencies (CALRAs), at the regional level, the Commission stands as a member of the Association of Law Reform Agencies for Eastern and Southern Africa (ALRAESA), while at the context of the East African Community (EAC), the Commission represents Tanzania in the harmonization and approximation of the laws of the East African Partner States.